July 5, 2008


baby luis. my love. 
he's one of the 10 babies that live in our first home here in matola. both his mom and dad died of aids. he was left in the hospital severely malnurished dying of aids. pieter and rika (my team mates) rescued him and started him on the anti-retrovirals (aids meds). 
now he's 3 and healthy and happy and full of mischief.  


Tom Morse-Brown said...

Man he's so cute! That's so great that he gets to take meds.

Steph Beltz said...

Hey Allison, I'm jealous. I'd love to help -- need a health care provider or supplies?

Meredith said...

Alli, Wow. Your new blog is amazing! Luis is beautiful and your gems too! Seriously, I am tearing up right now after seeing those faces and reading those stories. I keep having this random thought: "I would love to visit Alli in MZ!!!" Maybe I can come with whoever else from AN-KC when they come to make a site visit to you...is anything like that planned yet? I love you!!!

Chelsea said...

Thanks so much for sharing your world and all the photos. I truly love seeing all the photos of the little ones you're caring for. I can't wait to see and hear more from you. I am praying for you- I didn't know it at the time, but I was really praying for you when you evacuated into SA. Your mom updated me afterward. Love ya!