August 24, 2010

7 months pregnant and running for her life with a gun

G*ngsters love their guns. So when one of their guns is gone, they will do anything to get it back. So what’s a g*ngsters’ girlfriend to do if her notorious g*ngster boyfriend and a rival g*ngster are fighting over a gun? A good girl friend will take the gun, run, and hide it…even if she’s 7 months pregnant and has a 3 year old at her side.

This was Jackie's life before Christ. A life of drugs, sneaking drugs into prison, gangs, stabbings, fights, running from the police, guns and murder.

The “Bonnie & Clyde” of the local township. Jackie and her boyfriend were fearfully respected in and around all the neighboring communities. After finding out she was pregnant with her 2nd child at the age of 21, she freaked. How is she supposed to keep up the current lifestyle with 2 children?

Baby Safe entered Jackies life immediately after her 2nd child was born. She did not want her 2nd born and it was obvious. Jackie did not even want to look at her newborn baby let alone care for him. But through basic newborn education and weekly bible studies, Jackie and I started a friendship. Although Jackie was one tough cookie, I continued to visit her and her baby. I continued to offer support, help her write a job resume, take her to register her baby and apply for the single mother financial grant. Even though Jackie and I couldn’t have been more different, we developed an awesome friendship based on some pretty deep heart to heart chats. Chats about boyfriends, drugs, heart wounds, past abuse, her baby’s daddy, dreams for the future, her boys, and her new life in Christ. I watched Jackie bloom into a beautiful flower. I literally watched this rough tom-boy turn into a caring, young, feminine mother. I am so proud of her and the choices she is now making. It is a hard and often lonely road for her, but she and her boys are thriving. No longer does she do drugs, no longer is she looking to men to provide for her and she broke up with her deadbeat gangster boyfriend.

Jackie is now a follower of Christ. Aside from leading Bible Studies out of her home, she visits young pregnant girls and educates young moms on infant care, all while raising her own two boys. She is living out Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord will all of your heart…”

Continue to pray for Jackie and her boys.
-We would love to hire her onto our Baby Safe staff. Pray for the funds for her salary.
-Her 5 yr old son has anger issues. Pray for Jackie and her son as we begin to set up discipline structures.
-For a man of God to come in to her life and sweep her off her feet (at the right time, of course).
-That the Lord will continue the good thing He has started in her. That she will grow in her relationship with Him and her ability to hear His voice.

**photo and story used with permission, names changed to protect confidentiality

Baby's Birthday

One Year Old!

Little sugar just turned one year old. The little cutie is doing very well. She is happy and thriving living with her grandma and young cousin. I continue to visit and see her 2-3 times a week. She is busy getting into everything, running, jumping, and even saying "Alli". She is a clever little girl and is extremely happy.
We truly do treasure this little life! It is crazy to think that just 6 months ago, little one had to go into hiding because her drug addicted mother was trying to hurt her. With out Baby Safe's intervention, she would not be celebrating this birthday.