April 9, 2010

voice for the voiceless

Proverbs 31.8 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."

7 months old + child of a prostitute + fatherless + raised by sick granny + physically assaulted by own mother = destitute.

This is Baby. She has been a part of my life since December. Baby Safe was called by the South African Police to intervene in a situation where mom was using her to beg for drug money on the street. I took Baby in for a while- I fed her, loved her, prayed over her. I spoke LIFE over her believing that her life could be different then that of her mothers. The court ruled that the granny was to have custody over her. Shortly after, mom was arrested and put in jail for punching baby in the face. Weekly, I went to visit Baby and granny. I was also doing bible studies with Baby's aunts and cousins. Things were going good. Granny was feeling strong to take care of her 2 grand daughters and the girls were growing quickly.
Then mom was released from prison. Immediately, she jumped back into her destructive lifestyle of Tik (crystal meth), pr*stitution, lies, and violence. Once again, raising hell at granny’s house. This created an unsafe environment for Baby and the other children granny is raising (her other grand children from her daughters). Mom did not just stop at verbal abuse, she proceeded to threaten family members lives, destroy the house, cut phone lines, rip granny’s hair out, spit, kick, scratch, and slap anyone in her way.
Through granny’s request, Baby Safe interveined and removed Baby from the house.
Again, Baby has recently been in hiding, happy and safe from assault. Baby Safe is working with the South African police to see justice served in regards to the mothers many criminal charges. We are speaking up for Baby’s safety and well being. Being advocates for this little innocent one. Fighting for a future for her.

Please be praying for little Baby’s heart. The neglect, abuse, transition, and abandonement is something no baby should have to go through. I often find her sleeping very disturbed.

Pray for granny, she was recently badly assaulted by baby’s mom. She is said to have suffered 2 broken ribs and a nervous break down. We need her healthy and well to take care of her grand children.

Pray for Justice with the South African Police and court system.

Pray for Baby’s mom. After all of this self-destruction, my heart still aches for her to come to the realization that she has WORTH.